Donate to the PTO & Support your school!
Support various financial requests for enrichment with a direct donation to the Nathan Bishop Middle School PTO (Venmo) or (Paypal) and through making all of your Amazon purchases at and setting “Nathan Bishop Middle School Parent Teacher Organization” as your charity.
Donate items to the Caring Closet
Teachers at Nathan Bishop started a Caring Closet for students and families, offering everything from clothing and personal hygiene products to backpacks and school supplies. If you would like to be on the Caring Closet Steering Committee, please email

Food Waste Reduction program
In the 2021-22 school year, a new program was piloted in the cafeteria to reduce food waste, to help address food insecurity in RI, to promote proper composting and recycling habits, and to reduce the amount of trash headed for the landfill. The program has been a resounding success, with a new elective for 6th graders starting this year, under the guidance of Ms Whicker, aimed at educating students about this important program.
The Food Waste Reduction program is also slated to begin in several other district schools this year. Read more about the program here [PDF]:

Monthly PTO board/planning meetings
Tuesday January 7 (in-person @Bishop), 5:30-7:00pm
Tuesday February 4 (virtual), 5:30-6:30pm
Tuesday March 11 (virtual), 5:30-6:30pm
Tuesday April 8 (virtual), 5:30-6:30pm
Tuesday May 6 (virtual), 5:30-6:30pm
Tuesday June 3 (in-person @Bishop), 5:30-7:00pm